While traditional shampoos are effective for cleansing, they often remove vital natural oils from your facial hair and skin, causing dryness and irritation. Additionally, people with sensitive skin may find synthetic shampoos uncomfortable.
Our chemical-free beard bar offers a unique experience – the hair retains its natural oils, providing a different feeling than conventional products. With regular use, our beard bar can help create a softer, smoother beard with a natural shine, promoting a nourishing touch.
Saturate the facial hair in a warm shower 30 seconds and begin to rub KINGZBEARD BEARD BAR in circular motion into your beard. Quickly rinse 3-5 seconds and rub beard bar into hair a final time to desired lather. With fingers begin to gently massage the beard allowing the soap to penetrate the skin surface. Leave in 1-2 minutes and rinse out completely with warm water. (ONLY WASH BEARD 1-2 TIMES A WEEK & OTHER DAYS SIMPLY SATURATE WITH WARM WATER TO PREVENT DRYNESS)
***BAR TIP- Store soap in a DRY place after each use.
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